Kailua's people doesn't like tourists?

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Kailua people doesn't like tourists?

Kailua in windward area in Oahu paid attention to most as travel destination of 2007. It was greatly telecasted that residents here did not think the traveler who visited to be pleasant by last week's news.

A lot of travelers are the stay-overs, and a lot of troubles with the resident etc. are feared to the residential area doing business B&B (bed and breakfasts) that has increased at last few years by no permission.

A certain resident「It is troubled so that tourists who came at two o'clock of the middle of the night may light and talk about the light loudly. I want you to defend the order of quiet, peaceful Kailua. 」It commented.

What is it gills coming actually Ine, and the people who live in Kailua long somehow in the gills so though heard by them?(wry smile)

Especially, are the people who live in an area near the beach feeling, and as the impact and exist in rich people = high taxpayer = each district do "I" and "I" adhere ahead of "Kailua" for them?

The bullish person of not caring at all even if it doesn't feel, and the tourist doesn't come for whom the resident also especially depends on the sightseeing industry might be abundant.

It is honestly trowed though the feelings and the nature that understands enough are done, too.