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The CIRQUE HAWAII show that started last December has been seen. The content of the performance had changed little by little whenever having seen though it was the third times in this time. Performers' clothes seem to be refined more than the current, and to be the United States. It was atmosphere.

It is continuous because performers of "Shilcdosorayu" coming from announce the performance ..Acrobatticc that the difficulty is high.. one after another of Haraharadokidoki even if it sees when.

The hall is an old IMAX theater. Here is renewed as a Sark Hawaii theater.

There is no distance feeling with performers for a snug hall and presence Tappri. So as not to make the person who sees get tired of the style of the show multilaterally composed, it is devised.

Charge: Adult $75.00 VIP Seating (1st Show) and child $57.00 (3 ~ 11 years
old) but not limited tos
Performance date: 18:30 and 20:30 twice every day except Wednesday
Place: The Cirque Hawaii Theatre - 325 Seaside Ave. (It is 3 minutes on foot
from DFS Gararia. )
Inquiries: (808)922-0017

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