The child seat method was changed.

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The child seat method was changed.

The content of the use regulations concerning the child seat of Hawaii state has changed since January 1, 2007.

This regulations adjusts naturally even when the tourist uses the rent-a-car, and look over scheduled the use of the rent-a-car, please.

When the child up to seven years old gets on the car, the use of the child seat or the booster seat is obligated.

The seat belt in the car is 4 that the child seat for for the newborn baby and the infant becomes unnecessary based on the result of the survey that the height of the wearer operated correctly when there were 4-9 or more (four Fe and nine inch = about 145cm) ~ To defend the safety of the child of seven years, the use of the booster seat was made a law.

It is $100 in the transgressor ~ The obligation for the penalty of 500 to be imposed, and to attend the class of the traffic safety education of four hours in addition is imposed.

All are the regulations to defend children's safety. Use the child seat or the booster seat when you make the child up to seven years old get on.