Jake Shimabukuro perform at Honolulu Symphony Pop Series

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Jake Shimabukuro perform at Honolulu Symphony Pop Series

2006 by Honolulu symphony that started in October of last month ~ "Pop series" in fiscal year 2007.

The event that the only symphony orchestra and the Honolulu symphony of Hawaii hold every year is held for about seven months until four ends of next year.

It was nominated to Grammy, and Mattocantingab serves as an integrated command, the genre every month co-stars, and the artist and the Honolulu symphony co-star on seven different artists this year.

Ukulele player Jeicshimabcro participates in a pop of this year series.

It is the enjoyment of no stay only in a session by Jeicshimabcro and the Honolulu symphony and traditional Hawaiian music, and seeming schedules of Music of various genres the performance in what concert ..whether become it...
Concerts to which Jeicshimabcro performs are two days Friday, November 24 this month and Saturday, the 25th. It is held from 20:00 by two Lbrazdelsentar.

The ticket is $15.00 ~. It can enjoy the performance of the full-blown symphony orchestra by an easy price. The ticket can be bought from the homepage of the Honolulu symphony.

Honolulu symphony
Pop series: ~ in October, 2006 April 28, 2007
Inquiries: (808)792-2000

Concert to which Jeicshimabcro performs
Charge: $15.00 ~
Date: On Friday 24th and Saturday 25th in November 20:00 ~. Place:Nelbrazdel
sentar(777 Ward Avenue, Honolulu, Hawaii 96814)
Inquiries: (808)527-5400 (Main Office)
Event information by recording reproduction: (808)591-2211

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Jake Shimabukuro|| JAKE SHIMABUKURO ||